Hola chicos, esto no es un dibujo nuevo, pero al mismo tiempo es diferente, he cogido el dibujo de Luzu y lo he puesto en proceso de mas o menos el boceto inicial, la mitad y el final, es como un speed drawing pero en fotos, espero que os guste, no esta el principio del todo porque se me ocurrio tarde xD En el siguiente lo hago! Gracias :)
Hey guys, this isn't a new drawing but it's new at the same time, i've taken the drawing of Luzu and i've made the process moreless, since the begining to the end, it's like a speed drawing but with pictures, hope you like it, there isn't the first doodle, because i realised of the montage pretty late xD I'll do it in the next one! Thanks :)
Hey guys, this isn't a new drawing but it's new at the same time, i've taken the drawing of Luzu and i've made the process moreless, since the begining to the end, it's like a speed drawing but with pictures, hope you like it, there isn't the first doodle, because i realised of the montage pretty late xD I'll do it in the next one! Thanks :)